LeBron killed it last night. This shit's over. Okay, it's not over yet—Detroit came back from 3-2 to beat the Cavs last year—but the Pistons have been put on notice by the King. Fitting that LeBron's was being "guarded" by Tayshaun
Prince for one of his three absolutely stunning drives to the basket in the two overtimes (two overtimes in which he scored
every single Cavs point)—Bron-Bron has finally earned his crown, thank you very much. Kobe, are you watching? This is how it's done. Barajas was almost certainly watching—the Phillies had an off day. I'd like to think that at the final final buzzer, R.B. clicked off the T.V., reflected for a moment, stroked his chin a couple times, and thought to himself: "You know what? The kid's alright. I should send him a fruit basket."
LeBron's Barajas number is 6. He plays with Damon Jones, who played with Paul Pierce on the Boston Celtics in 1998-99. Pierce's current general manager is Danny Ainge, who was a teammate of Ken Macha's with the 1981 Toronto Blue Jays. Ken Macha managed Damian Miller with the Oakland A's in 2004. Damian Miller was the starting catcher for the 2001 Arizona Diamondbacks, and fell ill on the evening of November 1, forcing Barajas into the Game 5 starting lineup. Barajas hit a 5th inning homer off of Mike Mussina.
i must say that although i wish to see carlos ruiz getting more playing time, his blog game is certainly not nearly as dope as RB. For another take on marginal Philadelphia athletes, I recommend you check out thedalembertreport.com
Just because I'm feeling geeky, I did the research: Lebron's Barajas number is actually five.
Lebron James is teammates with Ira Newble, who played his rookie year with Steve Kerr in San Antonio, who played basketball at U of Arizona with Kenny Lofton, who played baseball in Philadelphia in '05 with Jimmy Rollins, who now plays with... Rod Barajas.
That's some quality spelunking, Doug. You, sir, are an inspiration to Barajas scholars everywhere.
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